// Life Lessons

This is the page where I'll write down the lessons that I'm learning through this experience that I have realized or hope to apply to my life. I have a feeling the list could get pretty long. :)

1. It never feels good to leave your parents behind. I still think back to that day at the airport and how helpless I felt when I waved goodbye for the last time going up the escalator. I miss them like crazy!

2. It's okay to ask for help. For most of this experience so far I've been scared or felt helpless. Instead of trying to figure it all out on my own, I've realized that I NEED to ask for help-- and I've met some pretty cool people because of it!

3. Meeting new people is fun! That was the thing I was most nervous about, but by staying true to who I am and opening up my point of view I've met some pretty stellar new friends. 

4. Public transportation= not for me. I will never take my car for granted again! Looking up bus schedules in advance, walking to the bus stop, and waiting for connections is exhausting and annoying. I miss my Grand AM.

5. AUSTRALIA DOESN'T HAVE RANCH DRESSING. Next time I come here I'm bringing bottles on bottles in my suitcase.

6. I feel better when I'm active. I've been going to the gym, taking advantage of free workout classes, and doing some exploring and let me tell you, I don't take NEARLY as many naps as I normally do (though I still love a good night in with Netflix and my blanket.)

7. Time zones suck. Being "in the future" is cool and all, but it's so hard to go about the day knowing that my family and friends are still snuggled up in their beds. I want to call them or text them my experiences but I can't because I don't want to wake them! 

8. FRENCH FRIES CHIPS ARE LIFE. I knew this already, but never before have I had so many amazing french fries WHEREVER I GO. Seriously guys, every place I've tried a french fry has been heaven in my mouth! (The ketchup tomato sauce could use some improving though.)

9. Exchange rates can be cool. It's like I'm getting 30% off of whatever I get! Prices may be jacked up here, but sales tax is included on the shelf tag which evens it out.

10. Smiling and being courteous makes life a little better. I'm dumbfounded by the amount of people here that don't smile or even say "excuse me" when they pass you on the sidewalk. People will just run/skateboard right into you until you move... NOT a pleasant experience.

11. I need to learn sarcasm. Australians are super sarcastic people and like to poke fun especially at Americans. I've been lost during so many conversations because I can't keep up with the sarcastic remarks. It's a great skill to have.

12. Double-checking dates is always a must. I told everyone that I would be coming home December 10.... Turns out classes don't end til the 19th. LOL blonde moment I guess. See y'all the 20th!

13. Australian birds are completely insane. And they wake up at 4 am. It's not your typical "tweet tweet" either-- We're talking birds that sound like they're trying to tear each other apart. Did I mention they attack when you walk by their nests during mating season? Yeah. Intense.

14. "Adventure cannot be defined. Adventure is in your head... It is a state of mind." - my adventure tourism professor. This speaks volumes to me. Adventure is everywhere I go, not just in Australia but back at home as well. I couldn't wait to get this "adventure" started, but really isn't life one big adventure? From now on I look forward to trying to find the little adventures in everyday experiences. Life might just be a little more interesting that way. :)

15. Be grateful that servers in America work for tips. Being a server myself, I can say that getting 4 dollars an hour and depending on tips isn't all that fun... But by the looks of it here, that's why servers in America are so much nicer. I've had some pretty crappy waiters/waitresses at restaurants here, and I really do think they're rude because they're not depending on your tip money. So tip your servers well in America. They deserve it for being so kind.

16. Church here isn't like church at home. Talking with the DCE, Chris, I realized that the Lutheran church I've grown to know isn't the same as the Lutheran churches everywhere else. Here they really put an emphasis on reaching the un-churched population and making them feel welcomed. Their churches are growing exponentially because of the friendly atmosphere they provide.

17. Dessert Wine = The Best Wine. At the good food and wine show in Brissy, I tried (too many) different types of wines. My favorites by far are the dessert wines... They're smooth, sweet, and could be a dessert all by themselves!

18. Life without Tim Tams just isn't much of a life at all. Seriously. Try them.

19. Driving on the left side of the road isn't actually that weird. I've gotten more and more used to seeing drivers on the right side of the car, driving in the left lane. I'm afraid when I get home I won't remember how American roads work!

20. Public transportation isn't that bad after all! Sure it's still a little annoying, and sometimes you get on the wrong bus or go to the station after the buses have stopped for the night, but it makes for some fun unexpected adventures. Not to mention all the different people you meet on a public bus!

21. Sunscreen is a MUST when spending 3 days on a boat.... AND YOU HAVE TO USE IT ON YOUR LIPS We may have applied and re-applied several times, but that still wasn't enough. Hello, worst face/lip sunburn of my life. We're talking swelling/blistering/UGLY.

22. Yes, you can put off your 2500 word wine studies paper till the day it's due. But it may not be smart... Now we wait to see what the professor thinks.

23. A lot of people do life differently than we do in America. So many people don't go to university right after high school... They take a gap year to travel or even don't go at all! That doesn't actually seem so bad. After travelling only as much as I have I'm thinking twice about my career decisions.

24. You can't use your meal plan to replace the keys you lost. My keys wore a hole in the side of my backpack and I had to pay $150 to replace them. Even though I still have around $500 on my meal plan, I couldn't use it to pay. :'(

25. Magpies ACTUALLY DO ATTACK! I said before how crazy Australia's birds are... Well my friend Meg got clawed in the eye in Noosa while eating brekkie. It was terrifying!

26. You won't regret the things you did as much as the things you didn't do. So many nights I've wanted to just relax and watch Netflix in my room to unwind, but then people ask me to do something and I have to make a decision. One night of laying in bed < One night of random adventures with these wonderful people!

27. "Tomato Sauce" is a totally normal thing to say.

28. So is "chips."

29. The Australian way of speaking isn't weird, it's GENIUS! Abbreviating everything like "brekkie" and "arvo" is really the way to go. It's so much faster than saying every syllable. I also love how Australians use words like "heaps" and "no drama" regularly-- or "reggo." Instead of asking, "what?" or, "do you understand?" they simply say, "hey?" at the end of a sentence. It's brilliant and I love it.

30. "3 seconds of courage" is an awesome way to live. It takes 3 seconds of courage to bungee jump off of a ledge, talk to a new person, or ask that question you've been too scared to ask. If you just have 3 seconds of unshakable courage, you can do anything!

31. Learning is pretty cool. Taking my last final today made me realize how much I've learned about a new culture this semester. Not only do I know a bunch about wine, I know about the tourism industry and communication, Australia's culture, and so much more! I never even knew I didn't know this stuff, but I'm sure glad I do now. :)

32. Time. Flies. Here I am, finished with my last final, with only a week left in Australia. It seems like just yesterday I was counting down my final week at home! Where did the time go?!

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