Monday, October 12, 2015

The Feels

If you would have asked me a few months ago what my biggest fear was, I would have given you an answer something like, "bad guys" or "giving presentations in class." Now I would say that my biggest fear is not being able to experience more of the world than I've already seen. I'm terrified that I'm going to live my life in this little Midwest bubble, never setting foot into the unknown places around the world.
"When something happens in your life, you can either let it define you, destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you." I had this desire in my heart to get out of Benton County, Iowa, so I went to school 5 hours away in Nebraska. For some people that may not have seemed like a long way, but for me it was terrifying. I didn't let my fears get in the way of my desires, though, and I decided to travel 18 hours from home to a completely unfamiliar continent with completely unfamiliar people-- and it was the best decision I've ever made. I'm changing this frightening experience to a life-altering one. I'm learning so much about myself and who I want to be. And seriously, a HUGE thank you to all of my friends and family that made this trip possible. I don't know where I'd be without your love and support. I've already started adopting some Aussie habits and lingo... But I want to know more! I want to see life outside of the civilization I'm used to. I want to travel to South Africa, Indonesia, Europe... I want to see how people live in different cultures and how I can adapt my mindset to see life through their eyes.

I'm blessed by the way my parents raised me. I'm confident in my faith, my morals and my values. I know that wherever I go God is going right alongside me. Even though I might be on my own he's still carrying me, so now it's time to spread my wings and go somewhere NEW. I feel like this is the time in my life that is just made for exploring. I want to see the world and challenge myself-- push myself to try things I've never even dreamed of doing. I want to meet new people and share my love with them. There are 7 billion people in the world, and I want to meet as many of them as I can! I want to see all of the wondrous creation God has put on this planet!

But then there's the little fears, whispering at me-- Kenzie, you can't do any of that. You'll never get out and experience this stuff. That's for people with money. People with time. You've got to finish school and pay off your student loans....

Well I saw this on Facebook today:

"I regret spending money on that epic, life-changing trip." - said no one ever. 

I know that I'm going to struggle to pay for this trip for years to come, but honestly to me it's so so worth it. For now I'm trusting in God to be by my side every step of the way, providing for me, caring for me, and loving me unconditionally. And that's a pretty rad feeling. :)

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